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-- Product Name: A to Z Product Name: Z to A Sort by
Measures approximate 48 x 50 cms, choose the weight you want
Measures aproximas: 20 cm wide and 8 cm high
Choose the size you want
Measures approach: total: 59.5 cm. wide and 12 cm. high, distance between pillars: 5 cms, wall thickness: 1 cm
Measures approach: total: 48 cm. wide and 24.5 cm. high, distance between pillars: 10 cms, wall thickness: 1 cm
Measures aproximas: 25 cms width x 1 cms high x 29 cms long
The material that is presented here not they are finished figures, parts for professionals of the cribs and to make models, this type of maeterial is of high density and can be cut, sanded and paste with ease.
Approximate measurements: 30 cm wide x 6,5 cm height and 29 cms Fund, thickness: 1 cm
Approximate measurements: 58 cm wide x 12 cm height and 29 cms Fund, thickness: 2 cm
Pack of 10 sheets, each sheet dimensions: 10 cm long, 3 cm wide and 0.5 cm of thickness.
Figure Papa Noel 21cm
Crown with flat faces, if desired you can choose the rounded edges, approximate thickness of the workpiece: 2.5 cms.
Crown with flat faces, if desired you can choose the rounded edges, approximate thickness of the workpiece: 4 cms.
Crown with flat faces, if desired you can choose the rounded edges, approximate thickness of the workpiece: 5 cms.
Size: width 25 cm
Choose the size you want to
Perfect for decoration of shop Windows, Nativity scenes, filled with small cushions, stuffed toys, dolls...
Measures approach: 10 x 10 x 10 cms, door width: 5 cm
Measures approach: 20x 10 x 10 cms, door width: 5 cm
items: 10 20 50 60