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Decorar con Foam caretas, viseras, animales, pizarras... Amplia selección de motivos para decorar paredes, ventanas y macetas, accesorios para el escritorio, o realizar originales máscaras o práticas viseras. Todo ello hecho con foam, un material flexible, de alegre colorido y muy resistente.
Atractivas ideas nuevas para llevar a cabo 13 proyectos de pequeñas figuras, alegres juguetes, bonita bisutería y una gran cantidad de detalles útiles con Foam, un atractivo y colorido material fácil de trabajar, que entusiasmará también a los niños.
Publication dedicated to teach you how to make rubber Eva, Fofuchas dolls. We teach you to do the heads, bodies, dresses, hair... give you patterns and ideas and hints of more than 15 different models. Index: nurse, footballer, teacher, singer, bride and groom, rider with bike, pencils, Diadems, brooches...
New designs of eva or Fofuchas rubber dolls. Precious and original fairy, musicians, dancers, boyfriends... with those who keep learning and perfecting the technique and taking care of every detail to the maximum you will learn something new with each doll. Step by step basic techniques.
Precious and original fofuchas... with those who learn and perfect the technique. You will learn something new with each doll.
As if by magic, you can create what you want to with the versatile E.V.A Board. that's right, with this simple stuff you will be able to develop the most distinguished work in an instant. Check out the following is very easy! Select genius ideas, developed with great care and good taste for our beloved collaborators.
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